The SCJBF was held live in 2023
click here to see the complete works list.
🎉Congratulations to , Makayla Phan, Madison Phan, Mindi Zhang, and Kate Kligys, SCJBF 2023 MTAC South Bay Branch Winners!
🎉Congratulations to Mikaela D’Adamo, SCJBF 2022 MTAC South Bay Branch Winner!
BAch Complete Works Competition
Congratulations to Mikaela D’Adamo, Bach Regional Winner, for performing an invention and sinfonia in the SCJBF Bach Complete Works Competition on October 6, 2019!
Bach festival 2019
Congratulations to Mikaela D’Adamo, South Bay Branch winner, Idah Corfitzen, Honorable Mention winner, and Stephanie Wong, Honorable Mention Winner
Bach Complete Works Competition 2018
Congratulations to Mikaela D., Bach Regional Winner for a great performance in the Complete Works Competition!
Southern California Jr. Bach Branch Festival
Bach Regionals 2018
Congratulations to Irene L., Mikaela D., and Robert G., Bach South Bay Branch winners and Bach Regional Performers
Students from Wenjen Piano Studios have performed in the branch, regional and complete works competitions.